A banking institution was experiencing numerous problems due to the complexity of its business processes. Using LSS techniques, our team coached them towards increased profitability and productivity.

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A bank with branches across Canada wished to review its structure to optimize them. The institution’s processes were very complex due to changes in staff and increased regulation coupled with growth in its market shares.

Employees had a partial knowledge of procedures, but no overview of the links between various activities and services. Pressures on existing resources increased and sales teams became overly involved in administrative activities, to the detriment of their main function.


Our role was to document existing processes, to define and optimize future processes, to identify opportunities for improvement and to redefine the roles and responsibilities of key players in the new structure. Together with phase leaders and multidisciplinary teams, we performed analyses and optimizations to achieve our objectives.

Our expertise

Our job was to coordinate and structure the approach in order to propose concrete solutions. The DMAIC phases were followed, and the Kaizen method was used for some of the activities, which accelerated problem-resolution. The team made equal use of tools from Lean, Six Sigma and BPM to define the best solutions. Our team spared no efforts to find measures before and after introducing the approach.


  1. Understand how it works
  2. Establish a target for the process, including response times by department, to allow quality of service checks
  3. Reduce time to process a request
  4. Free the sales force


  1. Increased profitability thanks to simplified processes
    • Clarified and standardized processes for the sales force and back office
    • Reduced time for performing business processes by over 40 %
    • Reduced time cycle for team in back-office by nearly 20%
  2. Improved productivity
    • Increased time devoted to sales by all sales representatives by nearly 50 %
    • Improved allocation of workload and optimization of time of key resources
  3. Maintained level of excellence in customer service
    • Increased employee commitment

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