lean six sigma
It is now possible to find recognized Lean Six Sigma training specifically designed for professionals in the service industry! Since 2007, our team of experts has put together trainings based on a tried and tested methodology, using concrete examples you can easily identify with. Our down-to-earth trainers are skilled at conveying LSS concepts and tools in accessible language.
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- Designed for middle and upper management
- Addresses those who structure continuous improvement projects
- Allows you to learn about the steps and options possible in setting up an LSS approach
- No prerequisite necessary
- Duration: 2 days
Belt- Designed for those who understand basic LSS concepts
- Allows you to understand improvement projects and interact at basic level with project leaders
- No prerequisite necessary
- Duration : 4 hours
Belt- Designed for improvement project managers or employees directly affected by this type of initiative
- Allows you to grasp basic concepts, to apply several tools and to collaborate on projects
- No prerequisite necessary
- Duration : 2 days
Belt- Designed for project managers leading improvement projects
- Allows you to learn intermediary LSS concepts
- Offers a range of tools for improving business process
- No prerequisite
- Duration : 8 days Includes 10 hours of coaching over a one-year period to carry out two projects chosen by participant Includes a certification exam
Belt- Designed for managers of major projects and for those are introducing a culture of process improvement in their organization
- Allows you to learn advanced LSS concepts
- Offers specialized statistical analysis tools to improve processes
- Prerequisite : Green Belt certification
- Duration : Include 10 hours of coaching and a certification exam